As we nurture children, we start with externally oriented young individuals who absorb their values and other life lessons from the significant figures in their world.
Throughout the journey of assisting their maturation, we can transition from employing authoritative directives such as 'Obey without question' to endorsing empowering affirmations such as 'Think for yourself' Parents guide their children toward evolving into self-driven individuals who possess self-reliance, self-assuredness, and strong self-esteem.
Below are recommendations for fostering the inner growth of your children.
👍 Foster and savor the affectionate connection between you and your children.
👍 Embrace them for who they are (while not necessarily condoning all of their behaviors). Grant them the freedom to express their individuality. Extend understanding, support, and nurturing.
👍 Give your full attention to their life experiences, stories, and valuable opinions.
👍 Empower them by providing options for making decisions that matter, such as asking whether they'd prefer to have their birthday party at home or at a park this year.
👍 Utilize direct and assertive communication rather than resorting to games and manipulation.
👍 Embrace and empathize with their needs and emotions. Your children are distinct individuals with their own thoughts and aspirations.
👍 Motivate your children to pursue their desires. Setting goals in small matters instills in them essential skills they will require in the future.
👍 Provide your children with a box of stars, allowing them to take charge of self-reward and recognition.
👍 Promote and endorse the wholesome exploration of their environment, all the while establishing sensible and healthful time constraints.
👍 Empower them to exercise independent thinking, make choices, and set goals aligned with their desires and needs, as well as what they believe is in their best interest. If they encounter situations where 'everybody's doing it,' guide your children in analyzing the circumstances and potential outcomes, and aid them in determining what they personally consider right.
👍 Employ the approach of employing natural and logical consequences in discipline. This method educates children in problem-solving, encourages independent thinking, and cultivates self-discipline.
👍 Emphasize encouragement over praise. Praise serves as an external acknowledgment, conveying approval from others. Encouragement, on the other hand, ignites internal motivation by fostering self-satisfaction. It directly contributes to the development of higher self-esteem.
👍 Respect their individuality and autonomy. Whenever feasible, allow them to approach tasks in their unique manner. Grant them the freedom to express their individuality. Be open to learning from them as well.
👍 Provide both boys and girls with identical messages of empowerment. Girls may be more susceptible to learned helplessness, which can have adverse effects on their self-esteem and future success.
👍 Promote the practice of having quiet time in the afternoon for your children. Initially, they might express boredom, which is perfectly normal. A classmate once shared that her most creative and memorable childhood moments occurred shortly after declaring she was bored. She had to tap into her inner resources for entertainment.
You can nurture the development of your children by nurturing your own growth. When you connect with your inner wisdom, you can have confidence that it will lead you in the delicate craft of parenting. Your family can transform into a group of well-grounded individuals, each leading fulfilling and wholesome lives.