Energetic and imaginative best describes four-year-old’s. They are able to learn new words quickly, and use them in chatting with you, telling you jokes and wild stories.
👦 Physical Development
✿ weight : 13 -25 kg
✿ height : 37 – 46 inch
✿ Uses a spoon, fork and dinner knife skillfully
✿ Needs 10-12 hours sleep each night
✿ Dresses self without much help
✿ Walks a straight line
✿ Jump on 1 foot
✿ Pedals and steers tricycle skillfully
✿ Jump over objects 5-6 inches high
✿ Runs, jumps, hops, skips around obstacle with ease
✿ Stack 10 or more blocks
✿ Forms shapes and objects out of clay and play dough
✿ Thread small beads on string
✿ Catches, bounces and throws a ball easily
💠Mental Development
✿ Objects can be arranged in a line from the largest to the smallest.
✿ When provided with instruction, it is capable of recognizing certain letters and potentially writing a name.
✿ Identify familiar words within basic books or signage.
✿ Comprehend the ideas of tallest, biggest, identical, greater, on, in, under, and above.
✿ Counts 1-10 objects out loud
✿ Grasps the sequence of daily routines (breakfast preceding lunch, lunch preceding dinner, dinner coming before bedtime).
✿ Forms relatively intricate sentences like, 'The baby devoured the cookies before I managed to place them on the table.
✿ Enjoys singing simple song, rhymes, and nonsense words
✿ Adjusts language according to the listener's comprehension level. For example, to a baby sister, they might say, 'Daddy go bye-bye,' whereas to the mother, they might say, 'Daddy went to the store to purchase some food.
✿ Acquires the knowledge of their name, address, and phone number when instructed.
✿ Presents and responds to questions related to who, what, when, why, and where.
✿ Maintains engagement in a single activity for a duration of 10 to 15 minutes.
✿ Identifies and names six to eight colors and shapes.
✿ Successfully follows two separate instructions such as 'Place your milk on the table' and 'Put on your coat.
👪 Social and Emotional Development
✿ Participates in turn-taking and sharing, showing cooperative behavior most of the time, though occasional business may still be present.
✿ Comprehends and adheres to basic rules for the most part.
✿ Alters the game's rules spontaneously as she progresses.
✿ Enjoys conversing and engages in detailed discussions.
✿ Frequently inquires 'why' persistently, and might engage in name-calling and tattling on occasion.
✿ Derives pleasure from displaying and proudly discussing their possessions.
✿ Experiences fear when it comes to darkness and the concept of monsters.
✿ Begins to comprehend the concept of danger and can occasionally exhibit significant fear.
✿ Struggles to distinguish between the imaginary and the real.
✿ At times, tells untruths to shield oneself or a friend, but lacks a full grasp of the concept of lying
due to the influence of a vivid imagination.
✿ Enjoys surprising others by using words considered off-limits.
✿ Continues to have temper outbursts in response to minor irritations.
✿ Typically conveys anger through words rather than physical actions.
✿ Pretend play extends well beyond traditional 'house' scenarios to encompass more elaborate settings such as fire stations, schools, shoe stores, and ice cream shops.
✿ Enjoys sharing jokes that may seem entirely nonsensical to adults.
👉 Read aloud every day and motivate your child to participate in narrating the story with you.
👉 Discuss the act of reading, demonstrating to your child that words are all around us, from grocery labels to restaurant menus and department store signs, and so on.
👉 Motivate your child to explore and have fun with words by supplying them with items like expired coupons, junk mail, newspaper ads, and old cereal boxes.
👉 Request your child to convey brief messages to your family members.
👉 Recite nursery rhymes and engage in finger play activities together.
👉 Create homemade playdough and enjoy a game of 'Follow the Leader'.
👉 Clip images of various shapes, colors, and animals from magazines.
👉 Discuss the concepts of objects being inside, on top of, under, behind, beside, and so on.
👉 Imitate the walking styles of different animals during pretend play.
👉 Arrange and tally various items within view, including cutlery, socks, and rocks.
👉 Instruct your child on the proper usage of the telephone.
👉 Allow your child to assist in organizing activities and creating lists for tasks like grocery shopping and errands.